Monday, March 4, 2013

The Remarkable Benefits of Increased SELF-LOVE

Self-love is one of the most under-rated and least talked about subjects on the planet.  At least not talked about intimately and personally, the way I talk about it.

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, your life will become very magical and the things that appear to be going wrong in your life will turn out right. 

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, unwanted pounds will melt away from your body without you having to diet or think about what you eat in any way.   

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, your levels of energy will increase naturally and if you are sick, you will achieve fully restored health effortlessly.

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, money will start coming into your life, moving from a trickle to a flood, from sources unexpected, unexpectedly....

The benefits of loving yourself sufficiently will amaze and astonish you, at times, moving you to tears and taking your breath away.. Self-love is about feeling good (regardless of the people and circumstances around you) because when you are feeling good, you are loving yourself sufficiently. And when you are loving yourself sufficiently MIRACLES happen in your life, big and small ones, spontaneously and unexpectedly..

All Great Love's Begin With Great Self-Love.

To love yourself sufficiently, do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good. Read what inspires you, listen to what lifts you up...  There are many thing that makes me feel good, listening to classical guitar music is one of them. This morning, I would like to share with you two of my favorite classical guitar videos along with a song sung by Janey Cutler, who has since passed away, that makes me feel as if God love for me is washing over me like warm ocean waves on a hot summer's day.

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