Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ultimate Answer For Relationship and Money Problems

That is always the answer, more self-love. It works for me every single time without fail. It does not matter whether it is a money, relationship or health issue, more love cures whatever troubles me. - Frederick Zappone, Author of: Love is all I know (Amazon) 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Pope Francis, and Frederick Zappone, the 'ROAMING' Catholic.

I am a 'ROAMING' Catholic, I have been roaming away from the Catholic Church since I was 18 but if Pope Francis keeping talking the way he has been talking I might roam right back into the Catholic Church. I agree, doing good is what saves us, not what religion we are, not what we believe. I personally do as much good as I can for as many people as I can, as often as I can, not to impress anyone, but because it makes me feel good. - Frederick Zappone, author of Love is All I Know (Amazon)

Pope Francis Says Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics (click to read)


Saturday, May 18, 2013

How To Create the 'Perfect Relationship' for You.

Read Love is All I Know, and discover in only 19 pages how to create the 'perfect relationship' for yourself.  What I share in these 19 pages is not fiction, it is fact. After being the master of relationship disaster for many years, I mastered the 'perfect relationship' for me...and you can too.  Creating the perfect relationship for yourself is a whole lot easier than you think: - Frederick Zappone, Founder, WE CARE