Saturday, March 30, 2013

How a 4 Letter Word Changed My Life

Love is the four letter word that changed my life. Love is a brilliant word that is highly misunderstood.  Love 'living between our ears as a good idea' is not love but rather a preview of what love can be, a preview of the possibilities love offers us.

Love can heal, fix, resolve, or dissolve any problem (relationship, health, money), and in many cases, can make the problem disappear from our life instantly.

Love is a feeling, a living, breathing 'presence' within yourself that you feel. If you don't FEEL this love, you don't know love at all...

Love is a power....far more powerful than all of your troubles, far more powerful than all the guns, bullets and bombs in the world. This love makes what's gone wrong with a person's life, turn out right. - Frederick Zappone, Author Love is all I Know... Amazon.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Macho LOVE..

The love I know shows you how to develop non-physical courage, more effective than beating the shit out of people with physical courage. - The love I know doesn't make you less of a man, it makes you more of a man. - MEN: Learn how to transform your impulses of anger and violence into passionate feelings of love for the women in your life. I am giving 'Macho LOVE' a voice so you know there is a choice. (Thank you Deb Clemente) (NO MORE BATTERED WOMEN OR CHILDREN)  Read the Self-Love Manifesto, Click on the FB link to learn about LOVE IS ALL I KNOW written by a real man for real men.
Double click image to see The Macho Man Self-Love Manifesto Full Size

I train, via Skypes, high testosterone, Macho Men on becoming Macho Men of Love. Questions about my training methods and fees, email me at:

Monday, March 18, 2013

Allow Love to Love You.

Allow love -----Let go of Fear

Love is All I Know, Frederick Zappone:, Kindle Edition,

You Gotta DO to Have! (Not Always)

The #1 Mind Trap: You Gotta DO to Have.....

If your 'doing' is coming from fear, you will never have what you want. Fear drives away from you what you want while love (feelings of inspiration) attract to you what you want.

Feelings are the first physical evidence that something is coming true for you.

Feelings are vibrations (cosmic magnets) that  attract into your physical world their material equivalents. That's why good feelings make bad situations better while bad feelings make good situations worse.

Allow yourself to feel the love and what you want in your mental world will become your material reality in your physical world.

Allow Love To Love You,

Frederick Zappone, Author of Love is All I know, Amazon, Kindle Edition, $2,99 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Love or Go CRAZY!! (Article)

I have had days were so many things went wrong in my life that I ended up thinking I was a shit magnet for all the bad things in life. Through it all, I held onto love and love, over time, made what went wrong in my life turn out right.

Without love I would have lost my sanity a long time ago.  You don't have two of your children die unexpectedly on you, endure two divorces and two bankruptcies and remain a sane and happy person without the 'presence of love' in your life.

Love as a know it, is a feeling, it is a 'presence'...  It is a reassuring feeling that no matter what, all will turn out right in your world.  It has mine. When things have gone wrong in my life, loving my problems to death made what went wrong in my life turn out right.

I have gone from being a failure in business and marriage to being a success in both. I have gone from losing two children to ending up with 14 grandchildren who have multipled the love I felt I lost when my two children passed away.

Love has been and is the answer and solution for every problem in my life including health, relationship, family and money problems.

Resisting problems I didn't like, didn't make them go away, resistance only made my problems go from bad to worse.  By, reversing my attitude and loving to death everything I didn't like about myself or my life, I literally loved those things out of existence.

Love  is a very real spiritual power capable of solving all problems and healing all conditions no matter how terrible or severe those conditions may be..

Love as I discovered is not something we earn and it is certainly not something we deserve. The amazing thing about this love I know is we don't have to deserve it to experience it, we simple have to ALLOW ourselves to have the experience of this love and this love will wrap itself tightly around us.

The secret to experiencing the love I want is to ALLOW love to love me and because I do, the presence of love shows up in my life any time I mentally open myself up to experiencing it.. And when I feel the presence of love, I feel whole and complete. I feel confident and worry free.  I feel cared for and protected and I never feel alone even when I am alone with myself, that is what I experience when I allow love to love me..

One of four things happens when I love a problem to death.

1.The problem goes POOF and disappears from my life for no logical reason I can explain. One day I have the problem and the next day I am aware the problem is no longer in my life.

2. In doing nothing to solve my problem except loving my problem to death, my mind relaxes and when I least expect it, the answer to my problem spontaneously appear in my mind, seemingly out of thin air. And when the answer does appear, even before I apply the answer, I know with absolutely certainty the answer will solve the problem for me.

3. During the time I am doing nothing to solve my problem except loving it to death, when I least expect it, an article, a book, a workshop, event or situation will show up in my life that contains the answer to my problem.  When that happens, I  intuitively know without a shadow of a doubt that the answer I unexpectedly received is the right answer for me.

4.  When I am loving my problem to death, from a source unexpected, a person unexpectedly shows up in my life who solves my problem for me.

For more of my insights about Love, check out my book Love is All I Know, Amazon, $2.99

Friday, March 15, 2013

First STEP to Self-Love is Admitting you hate yourself



You say you don't hate yourself? 

Of course you do but it would be politically incorrect for you to admit that you hate yourself and, besides, that would be just plain un-american. 

We, as American's, know how much we love ourselves, that's why so many of us are dying from obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and from drug overdoses at an ever increasing rate. 

Here is a self-hate test? 

Are you stressed out more than you would like to be? Do you worry more than you would like to worry? Are you afraid of strangers on the street, highways or in malls or grocery stories? Do you eat more food than you should? Do you drink or smoke more than you should? Do you take pills to medicate, sedate and numb your feelings. 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you hate yourself. 

The cure for self-hate is self love. 

 Making myself wrong for my weaknesses made me weaker. To solve this problem, I embraced my weaknesses. I loved them to death and in doing this, I literally loved my weaknesses out of existence. - Frederick Zappone, Author of Love is All I Know

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Something you should know About Emotional Pain

Often times the emotional pain you feel is not your pain at all, it is the pain of someone in your life.  If you mentally run through the list of people you know in your mind, the moment you come across the person who is suffering emotionally, your own experience of their pain will stop.... This has been my personal experience 100% of the time...  If you have friend or family member in emotional pain, send them here:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Self-Love Attracts Good Things To me..

Everything we do to feel good whether it is pursuing money, having another love us is a result of lacking love inside ourselves. If we loved ourselves sufficiently, all the things we wanted (money, health, love relationships) would come into our life naturally, requiring no effort at all.. At least that is what is true for me, that is what I experience in life. The more I allow me to love myself, the more good things that come into my life from sources unexpected, unexpectedly. - Frederick Zappone, Love is All I Know

Spiritual Newborns: The Hurting

I'm sharing this article with you by Melana Plains because there is so much human truth in it, human truth that leads to spiritual truth that will give you the power to create a heaven on earth for yourself in the here and now. Article reprinted with permission of the author. Visit her site by clicking here - Frederick Zappone, Author of Love is All I know

Spiritual Newborns: The Hurting


Spiritual Newborns is a time of awakening. It’s the experience of truly feeling your life, perhaps, for the very first time. It can startle you, shake you up and even frighten you. And, it hurts.

There is pain involved in opening up to feelings that have long been repressed and hidden, because they were simply too painful to feel. The original pain, though buried beneath the surface of our conscious mind, remains intact and impacts who we are and how we experience our lives. Pain hurts us. It is a sign that we have suffered an injury to some aspect of our being. In order to stop the pain, we must stop the injury. In order to stop the injury, we must validate the feelings that exposed it, and brought it into the light. In Spiritual Newborns, we begin to acknowledge our injuries, by feeling the repressed pain. In doing so, we embrace the truth, which empowers us to heal ourselves, and replace what was caused by fear, with love.

An important thing to understand about love, is that once you make a conscious decision to choose it, you can’t undo that choice. Love, in it’s magnificent benevolence, binds you to itself. From that point on, no matter how much fear you indulge or get lost in, love will always be there, calling you forth to its embrace. The Path, as a vehicle for choosing love, will forever be a way for you to go deeper, get clearer and heal any barriers that continue to separate even the smallest parts of yourself from love.

I was playing a game of Scrabble one night, with my son and his girlfriend. While speaking of our plans earlier in the day, in the words of my ‘always-losing-game-playing-persona’, I informed my son that, of course, I would not play well. I have never been good at games and would certainly not disappoint in our upcoming Scrabble match. He reminded me, since most of my days were spent dabbling in words, winning a word game should not pose any real problem. Yeah, that’s what he thought!

First game: foggy mind, double vowels and consonants galore, at a loss for words, humorous self-effacing manner, bringing up the rear in third place — perfect! A moment later, something came over me. Before I knew it, I was saying, “Rematch! let’s play another game. I’M GOING TO WIN THIS TIME!” It was getting late, but the mood was light. Earlier, I had informed them of my desire to ‘stay up late with the big kids’. (They seem to always stay up so much later than me!)  They agreed.  

Second game: I told myself to win. Every tile I picked, I prayed over. Every turn I took, I scored high points. From my very first turn, I took the lead, and remained there until the end. Perfect!? Not! I was so uncomfortable in my skin all during the game, especially at the end when I won. I sincerely felt bad for winning. Bottom line: I have never wanted to win. And so, I never won. It wasn’t that I couldn’t win, which is what I always assumed was the issue. I chose not to win. An unconscious choice whose origins would be found in certain events in my childhood.

The deeper implication of this realization was how did my ‘choice’ not to win affect the overall quality of my life, my son’s life, the choices I made, and the potential growth, success and prosperity I achieved. Needless to say, as I took a closer look, the impact of that choice was evident in every facet of my life. 
 When my son and I spoke about it the next day, it was very painful and difficult to face, for both of us. Him revealing that he has always felt the same way; me realizing that, by my own lack of clarity, I contributed to his fear of winning in his life.  But, as we do with all of our passages together, we took a deep breath and felt our way through to clarity and healing.

Newborns is a time of discovery, which plants the seeds for change, healing and growth. I have learned, that no matter who you are, or how much you know, there is always something new to learn about yourself.  It may be beneficial to contemplate your own life,  and see in what ways this may also be true for you.

Every day is a good day to heal!

Copyright © 2013 Melana Plains

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lazy's Man Way to RICHES

Love is All I Know.....: Frederick Zappone: Kindle Store

Freakin' Awesome 88 Year old Dancing Woman...

Watch this all the way to the end, she save her best spoken line until the very end. 88 Years Young Woman dances on and on! ...SHARE THIS!  Her love for life, love for music will keep her forever young no matter how old her body gets. This lady knows how to allow the  kind of love into her life that I know - Frederick Zappone 

Friday, March 8, 2013

I don't correct my mistakes any more... Here's Why

I don't correct my mistakes any more unless I am inspired to do so and only if I am inspired to do so. I never correct my mistakes when criticized by others or when coming from fear.  Why, because correcting mistakes coming from fear only pushes what I want further away from me. The following article by Dr. Robert Anthony explains, in depth, while I only correct mistakes if I am INSPIRED to do so. - Frederick Zappone, Author Love is All I Know.....

The Secret of Doing without Doing
By Dr. Robert Anthony

One of the mistaken certainties or misconceptions most people operate under is that you get what you want in life by what you DO, or through the actions you take. Most people believe that the DOING or action part is what makes things happen. However, most action causes you to create in reverse.
Let me explain....
The reason we put a lot of emphasis on action is because we do not understand the power of our thought. If you analyze it, 90% of most people’s actions are spent trying to compensate for inappropriate thought.

The Chinese philosopher Lao-tsu said that, "In the practice of the Way, every day something is dropped. Less and less do you need to force things until finally you arrive at "non action" When nothing is done, nothing is left undone." What he is talking about is "doing without doing."

The problem is that most of us are preoccupied with "doing". Unfortunately most of our "doing" usually involves struggle. In the western world we are conditioned to be action-oriented, so we place a tremendous value on doing. We are so busy doing that we do not realize that all this ‘doingness’ causes us to create in a reverse fashion.

Most of our actions are out of fear, worry or doubt because we believe nothing will get done unless we DO something. In other words, we are trying to force our desire into manifestation through action.

If your decision to DO is dominant, then you will not focus on what you want to BE in the present moment. This causes you to miscreate because BEING is the first and most important step in the creative process.
Here is the secret....
Action is vitally important but - it is not your action that makes things happen, it is your intent. You can reduce the need for action to a very minimum by allowing yourself to focus on what you desire until you feel the positive energy begin to move within you. This energy is not based on doubt, fear, anxiety, worry or need. If you focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want, you will know when it is time to take action. And when you do, it will be effortless. Doors open and the entire universe will conspire to assist you in your desire.

Put simply, you should take no action on anything until you have visualized your desire and made it real enough in your mind that your next action (step), whatever it is, seems like the most logical step.

How can you know the next logical step? Here is the test that you can give to yourself before taking any action. If you focus on what you desire and still feel overwhelmed or anxious, then you are not ready for any action. You know you are ready when it feels like the next logical step is effortless. There is no effort, no strain, and no pain.

What we want to do is to use the leverage of energy, the same leverage of energy that creates everything in the universe. However, we are so caught up in the reality of WHAT IS, that we feel we must create everything through mental effort and physical activity.

Have you ever seen people who seem to have all the wonderful things in their life without much effort? It almost seems like they have an advantage over everyone else. Then you see the people who work the hardest usually have the least. That doesn’t seem fair does it? But that’s the way the universe works.
Unfortunately, those who work the hardest usually have the least because they haven’t learned the leverage of aligning their energy. They are going about creating their lives the hard way. They are trying to use their actions to create what they want.

We have also been programmed that in order to have what we desire we must work hard. How many times have you heard – "No pain, no gain." The implication is that if you want to make something of yourself, you must work hard. The message is clear - if you are not hurting or struggling, you are not moving forward.

But here is the truth - anytime you are struggling you are miscreating. Anytime you feel pain or struggle, your magnetic point of attraction is directed to that which you do not want, rather than to that which you desire. Read it again!
Actions are necessary, but they are the last component of the creation processes. Actions cannot be used effectively to initiate results, because initiation is the function of BEING, then thought, then action.

Remember, the creation of anything is through your vibration. Everything vibrates, and it is by that vibration that we harmonize and attract experiences to ourselves. So before you act or do anything, first ask yourself, how am I vibrating? How do you tell? You tell by how you FEEL. Your feelings show you your vibration. How you feel determines what you attract.

When you use the process of creating by only focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want, you will see that the universe will provide a different set of circumstances for you that requires much less action. This puts you in a state of "doing without doing" or action without effort.

For more information about Dr. Robert Anthony, Click Here

When in Doubt, LOVE is the ANSWER

Love is All I Know.....

I Broke Up With Fear....

 Love is All I Know.....: Frederick Zappone: Kindle Store

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Are You Giving Enough To Yourself?

Doing things for other people when you don't really want to is not allowing yourself to feel the love, it is allowing you to feel loathing, disgust and self-hatred.

Anytime you are giving to others because you feel you 'have to' rather than 'want to', you are giving coming from an empty tank. You are into self-sacrifice which always leads you to feeling resentment, loathing and self-hatred.

Give good things to yourself first, in all ways, to overflowing 
and then you will have overflowing good to give to others...

What good things are you going to give to yourself today?

Fear Dissolves When we FOCUS on Love

Source: via Kathy on Pinterest

Self-Love: How I love Myself (10 Ways)

1. I don't watch TV shows containing any kind of violence. I don't listen to the news.
2. I don't read the newspaper, I don't listen to radio news or talk shows.
3. I do listen to inspirational music and inspirational shows on the radio.
4. I watch TV shows that educate and inspire me.
5. I turn the sound off on all commercials.
6. I don't argue with anyone for any reason.
7. Anytime I feel negative, I repeat the words I LOVE MYSELF until the feeling dissolves
8. I forgive myself immediately any time I make a mistake.
9. I always accept 'what is' (whether I like it or not) so I can create happy events for myself.
10 I share love with others constantly which allows me to feel love constantly.



Three $2.99 Kindle Books on the subject of Self-Love, including one of my own.

How Do I Love Myself: Learn a Magical 5 Minute-a-Day Process 

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

Love is All I Know.....


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Allow Nature To Love You

I love nature and because I do,  nature loves me back when I least expect it. Look at what a spectacular picture nature painted for me this morning. All the leaves on that tree are snow leaves, not one real leaf to be found anywhere. Our city plowed the alley and now I can't get my car out of the garage. Oh well, I didn't really want to go out in the snow today when I can enjoy its beauty from the comfort of my warm home. - Frederick Zappone


Allow Money To LOVE you....

This is absolutely the best video to help you ALLOW your love for money to attract more money to you...  It is hypnotic, mesmerizing and best of all, over time, it will make you feel good about money, causing you to attract more money into your life rather than you continuing to worry about money or being stressed out because of money...

No BS, Love makes problems disappear like Magic

Love will make ANY problem you have disappear, from your life, like MAGIC.  And yet magic has nothing to do with it while using 'thoughts of love' to invoke the power of the universe, the favor of God, has everything to do with it.

The best part is you DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE love will make your problems disappear like magic. You simply have to think thoughts of love on a consistent  basis, and your problems will dissolve, disappear, fix themselves, for no logical reason you can explain.

All the problems you have in your life are a result of resisting, disliking, fighting, worrying or fearing some thing or some person in some way. However when you love your problems to death, you will literally love them out of existence That has been my experience for several years now since I decided to give love a chance, not as a good idea that lived between my ears but rather as something that lives in my heart as the dominant reality of my life.

Got questions about using love to make all of your problems disappear including  health, relationship and financial problems? You will find the answers you seek in all three of these $2.99 Kindle books, which includes one of my own. Click on links to read more:

How Do I Love Myself: Learn a Magical 5 Minute-a-Day Process 

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

Love is All I Know.....

Stuffed Animals, Children, and a Woman's Tears

I don't normally do this but this is the second day in a row that I am reprinting an article written on the subject of love by someone other than myself. I guess I will have to change my policy about what I post on my blog. I want people visiting here to be able to read the best self-love related articles possible and if someone can write about it better than I can, then I have a responsibility to my readers to reprint it here when possible. The article is by Nora Podkul who I have known since I was 6 years ago. It is a very sensitive, touching article on the subject of 'our best' not being good enough. I hope you enjoy Nora's article as much as I did - Frederick Zappone

When your best isn’t good enough!
 By Nora Podkul, Author of Tripping Over Enlightenment     

I woke yesterday morning in tears. I hate when that happens and fortunately it hasn’t been very often. Sometimes our dreams however have a way of playing out our fears. Last night I struggled with my fear of not being good enough, even though I honestly feel like I do my best. An innocent conversation about favorite childhood stuffed animals started it all. Who knew that was even possible, interesting how the brain works.

It all began with a conversation about “Green Bunny”, a grand-daughter’s favorite toy. Somehow we ended up talking about the favorite stuffed animals my daughters’ had as children. Enter Henry, the cute little dog with floppy ears and a missing eye, and Wilcox, a medium sized brown bear, with his neck severely severed and his face lovingly worn away. I’m sure you’re aware…. sometimes they don’t outlast the child’s desire to keep them.

I tried to save Wilcox and Henry since they meant so much to my daughters. Creatively and with a great deal of love and effort I attempted to prolong their life. I thought it worked since they both still have possession of them. Until that fateful day, two days ago, when I found out neither one actually liked what I had done and felt their prized possessions now resembled something from “Frankenstein’s” lab. All my thought, time and concerns weren’t seen for what I thought they were. But it was my best attempt at preservation.

Ridiculously this made my sub-conscious go to that dark place where my best effort has never been enough. I wrestled all night with the failure of my first marriage; how I daily disappoint those I love, the times I failed as a daughter and mother, those moments when I am not able to really help those seeking my aid, etc. I woke with sadness knowing I will never be the perfect person I wanted to be in this lifetime.

But then I saw the sunrise and heard the birds singing their spring song and realized none of that mattered. What does matter is the love behind what I do and the good intentions in my heart. It’s alright to be human and imperfect. None of us set out to disappoint others or ourselves, it simply happens for whatever reason.

The entire concept of doing your best is subjective because everyone has a different opinion of the best you can produce, which often conflicts with reality. My husband once said the worse thing a parent can tell a child is “just do your best” for that’s a curse. No one sets out to fail at something. It’s simply impossible to live up to another person’s dream. Still innately we desire to please.

So be your authentic self and go forward doing what spirit inspires you to do without judging yourself. Leave that to the afterlife review when you can look back without fear…..knowing you loved…. And you really did “do your best”.

Article reprinted with the permission of the author, Nora Podkul,  Visit Her Facebook Page, Tripping over Enlightenment

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Woman's Prayer About Love (Beautiful)

I rarely post other people's writings on my blog but today is an exception. Moon Prayers By Meadow DeVor is one of the finest articles I have ever read on the subject of love. It is a revealing, tender, passsionate, insightful piece. Most of all, it was written with honesty straight from the heart. When it comes to beauty, intelligence and compassion, Meadow DeVor makes my top 10 list. She is an extraordinary woman with more courage, when it comes to love, than most men I know. To visit Meadow's blog, click here 


I said a prayer for my heart tonight.

I felt that cold seeping in.

The inky blackness that hides in my veins. Just waiting for a call to duty. To harden and cement a barrier so thick that I will be protected from this hurt. 

The white hot barbed-wire that courses from my gut. Twisting and turning a tangled rusted knot. Weaving itself a corset through my rib cage. Suffocating and stifling. Tighter. Till there were only two words.
Love me.
The two words that risk the most dangerous of dangers:

To love and to be rejected.

And I know rejection.

I know what it’s like to have your mother call you a pig. Rip off your clothes. And make your brother and sister watch while she whips you with the belt buckle. 

I know what it’s like to have your father fear you more than he can ever love you. 

I know what it’s like to have a man leave you. But not all at once because that would just be too kind. Instead, it’s in millimeters and moments. Till you don’t quite remember if he was ever there in the first place.

I know rejection.

And still. I hear the words.
Love me.
I want to obliterate them. Banish them from my memory. I want to shut them up. Gag them. I want to puke them out. And flush them away. I want to hide them somewhere safe. For some other night when I will know that I can trust.

And still. My soul will not be silenced. It craves connection. It speaks that moon language. 

It knows the truth. That love is never dangerous.

So I said a prayer for my heart tonight.

And my tears washed the blackness away. And the ocean wind broke through the weathered barbed-wire. 

And I remembered.

The two words that repair all wounds. 

And keep any heart from turning to stone.

I remembered the two words that obliterate all risk. All danger. 

The two words that make me willing to walk out into this dark night. Alone. And not afraid.
I love.
The two words that remind me that it’s not about what I get back. It’s not about being accepted, approved of, or included. It’s not about how well I can contort myself to fit your expectations. It’s about what I give. To you. To me. To all of us.
I love.
Because it’s not worth living life any other way. 

And even though the hardening and steel sing their siren song seducing me toward their fortressed prison.

I shut my eyes tight.

And say a prayer for my heart.

To help it choose to love.

Because this is the only direction to keep walking.

Article Reprinted with Permission of the author, Meadow DeVor, Click Here

Monday, March 4, 2013

10 Noteworthy Self-Love tips.

1. If you are not feeling good, you aren't loving yourself sufficiently.
2. A lack of self-love results in physical disease.
3. Increase self-love results in increased health and feelings of well-being. 
4. If you are giving more than you are receiving, you are hating yourself.
5. People who are afraid of self-love will criticize you, abuse you and leave you.
6. Self-love has the power to make what going wrong with your life, turn out right.
7. Self-love requires, moment by moment, accepting your best is good enough.
8. Perfectionists lack sufficient self-love and try to fill the lack by being perfect.
9. Focusing on thoughts of self-love creates more loving feeling within you.
10. People freely share love with others so they can feel more love within themselves.

The Remarkable Benefits of Increased SELF-LOVE

Self-love is one of the most under-rated and least talked about subjects on the planet.  At least not talked about intimately and personally, the way I talk about it.

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, your life will become very magical and the things that appear to be going wrong in your life will turn out right. 

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, unwanted pounds will melt away from your body without you having to diet or think about what you eat in any way.   

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, your levels of energy will increase naturally and if you are sick, you will achieve fully restored health effortlessly.

  • If you love yourself sufficiently, money will start coming into your life, moving from a trickle to a flood, from sources unexpected, unexpectedly....

The benefits of loving yourself sufficiently will amaze and astonish you, at times, moving you to tears and taking your breath away.. Self-love is about feeling good (regardless of the people and circumstances around you) because when you are feeling good, you are loving yourself sufficiently. And when you are loving yourself sufficiently MIRACLES happen in your life, big and small ones, spontaneously and unexpectedly..

All Great Love's Begin With Great Self-Love.

To love yourself sufficiently, do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good. Read what inspires you, listen to what lifts you up...  There are many thing that makes me feel good, listening to classical guitar music is one of them. This morning, I would like to share with you two of my favorite classical guitar videos along with a song sung by Janey Cutler, who has since passed away, that makes me feel as if God love for me is washing over me like warm ocean waves on a hot summer's day.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love neutralizes Worry AND Creates MIRACLES.

Not only do thoughts of love neutralize worry but those thoughts of love you use to cancel out worry thought (fear based thoughts) are creating miracles in people's lives.  People who are substituting thoughts of worry with thoughts of love are seeing miraculous physical healing along with relationship and financial problems dissolving as if by magic. In reality, magic has nothing to do with miracles happening, it is thoughts of love that call forth the power of the universe to make what has gone wrong with your life turn out right.... 

Expressing what you FEEL gets you back to LOVE....

Most of the times people feel negative, it is because they are either sitting on their negatives, squashing them, denying them, or holding back from fully expressing the negatives they feel for whatever reason they do that.

The problem with doing that is when we squash, deny, sit on, suppress, depress or make ourselves wrong for feeling negative, we cut ourselves off from feeling the love that flows naturally through us when we allow it.  Suppressing negatives BLOCKS us from feeling the 'feelings the LOVE' within us.

On the other hand, when you can express your negatives safely, either by writing them out or having someone you trust listen to you expressing your negatives, they dissolve naturally and once dissolved it is easy to feel the natural love that lives within you..

Searching for LOVE in all the wrong places.

I was an expert at searching for love in all the wrong places... No one ever told me that the love I was seeking lived within me. And even if they did tell me that, I wouldn't have believed them anyhow.  Why wouldn't I believe them?

Because everything we are taught about love and everything we read about loves makes us believe, without doubt, that the love we seek comes from others.   This belief is painfully wrong.  This belief is the source of all the drama and upsets people have in relationships. 

Love comes from within and when we are loving ourselves sufficiently, the love we seek from others will be mirrored and magnified back to us a thousands times over, naturally.

Why I Love LOVE....

I love LOVE, first, because the feeling is amazing. The most important reason that I love, LOVE, is because love has solved every problem I have ever had from relationship and health problems and to very nasty money problems. There is not one problem loved has not solved for me when I turned to love to solve what troubled me.   

As I explain in my book titled Love is All I Know, our romantic thoughts about love prevent most people from experiencing love as it was meant to be experienced, as a very real spiritual power capable of solving all problems and healing all conditions no matter how terrible or severe those conditions may be..

Help me Find Love....

There have been more books written on the subject of love that just about any other subject and yet for many people, love remained an elusive mystery. What is love really? Where does it live? How can I experience the love I want? 

First off, we can't see this thing we call love. On the other hand, we can see the results of love through the words and actions of ourselves and others.

Love, simply put, is a cosmic feelings, that lives in us 24/7.  Experiencing love intensely, passionately and comfortably is our birthright but it is our 'chattering, questioning, doubting, faithless' mind that stops us from experiencing the love we want and accessing the power found in love to solve our problems, even our most difficult ones, effortlessly.

Love is the Solution

I do not personally know of any problem that love cannot solve. It doesn't matter if the problem is a health, relationship or money problem, if you put enough love into the problem, the problem will disappear like magic...