Friday, April 19, 2013

The 'Thought SEED' Principle.

Once a 'thought seed' of ours is planted in the mind of another, it is our 'follow up thoughts' that determine whether it will grow into something good in our physical world or whether our 'thought seed' will die without ever fulfilling its destiny.

For example, since February 6th of this year,  1925 people have clicked on my book link LOVE IS ALL I KNOW (Amazon). Out of those 1925 people, 7 people bought my book.

Disappointing results? Not really, you see by clicking on my link and reading about my book, the 1918 people who didn't buy my book received a 'thought seed' from me about LOVE.

A 'thought seed' once planted in a person's mind, never dies.  It either remains dormant or it grows into something AWESOME depending on how the thought seed is nourished by the person who planted it, in this case me.

Over time, this seed will result in these people experiencing more love in their lives because that is my INTENTION (follow up thought)  for everyone exposed to my book who doesn't purchase it. And some of those people who didn't purchase my book, will come back later and purchase my book. And other people, although not buying my book for themselves, will tell their friends about my book..

In making the 'Thought Seed Principle' work in my life, my job is to be grateful for the 7 people who purchased my book and to be even more grateful for the other 1918 people who clicked on my link but didn't buy my book. Why? Because those people who didn't buy my book gave me the opportunity to plant a 'thought seed' in their head about love. And now that a thought of mine about love lives in their head, only more love can grow in their life.  And in return for planting 'thoughts seeds' of love in over 1918 people's minds, over time, I will reap a huge harvest of love from the seeds I planted. This harvest will come to me in many forms including money. That is how powerful 'thought seeds' are once we plant them.

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