Monday, March 11, 2013

Spiritual Newborns: The Hurting

I'm sharing this article with you by Melana Plains because there is so much human truth in it, human truth that leads to spiritual truth that will give you the power to create a heaven on earth for yourself in the here and now. Article reprinted with permission of the author. Visit her site by clicking here - Frederick Zappone, Author of Love is All I know

Spiritual Newborns: The Hurting


Spiritual Newborns is a time of awakening. It’s the experience of truly feeling your life, perhaps, for the very first time. It can startle you, shake you up and even frighten you. And, it hurts.

There is pain involved in opening up to feelings that have long been repressed and hidden, because they were simply too painful to feel. The original pain, though buried beneath the surface of our conscious mind, remains intact and impacts who we are and how we experience our lives. Pain hurts us. It is a sign that we have suffered an injury to some aspect of our being. In order to stop the pain, we must stop the injury. In order to stop the injury, we must validate the feelings that exposed it, and brought it into the light. In Spiritual Newborns, we begin to acknowledge our injuries, by feeling the repressed pain. In doing so, we embrace the truth, which empowers us to heal ourselves, and replace what was caused by fear, with love.

An important thing to understand about love, is that once you make a conscious decision to choose it, you can’t undo that choice. Love, in it’s magnificent benevolence, binds you to itself. From that point on, no matter how much fear you indulge or get lost in, love will always be there, calling you forth to its embrace. The Path, as a vehicle for choosing love, will forever be a way for you to go deeper, get clearer and heal any barriers that continue to separate even the smallest parts of yourself from love.

I was playing a game of Scrabble one night, with my son and his girlfriend. While speaking of our plans earlier in the day, in the words of my ‘always-losing-game-playing-persona’, I informed my son that, of course, I would not play well. I have never been good at games and would certainly not disappoint in our upcoming Scrabble match. He reminded me, since most of my days were spent dabbling in words, winning a word game should not pose any real problem. Yeah, that’s what he thought!

First game: foggy mind, double vowels and consonants galore, at a loss for words, humorous self-effacing manner, bringing up the rear in third place — perfect! A moment later, something came over me. Before I knew it, I was saying, “Rematch! let’s play another game. I’M GOING TO WIN THIS TIME!” It was getting late, but the mood was light. Earlier, I had informed them of my desire to ‘stay up late with the big kids’. (They seem to always stay up so much later than me!)  They agreed.  

Second game: I told myself to win. Every tile I picked, I prayed over. Every turn I took, I scored high points. From my very first turn, I took the lead, and remained there until the end. Perfect!? Not! I was so uncomfortable in my skin all during the game, especially at the end when I won. I sincerely felt bad for winning. Bottom line: I have never wanted to win. And so, I never won. It wasn’t that I couldn’t win, which is what I always assumed was the issue. I chose not to win. An unconscious choice whose origins would be found in certain events in my childhood.

The deeper implication of this realization was how did my ‘choice’ not to win affect the overall quality of my life, my son’s life, the choices I made, and the potential growth, success and prosperity I achieved. Needless to say, as I took a closer look, the impact of that choice was evident in every facet of my life. 
 When my son and I spoke about it the next day, it was very painful and difficult to face, for both of us. Him revealing that he has always felt the same way; me realizing that, by my own lack of clarity, I contributed to his fear of winning in his life.  But, as we do with all of our passages together, we took a deep breath and felt our way through to clarity and healing.

Newborns is a time of discovery, which plants the seeds for change, healing and growth. I have learned, that no matter who you are, or how much you know, there is always something new to learn about yourself.  It may be beneficial to contemplate your own life,  and see in what ways this may also be true for you.

Every day is a good day to heal!

Copyright © 2013 Melana Plains


  1. Frederick ~ I'm honored that you chose to publish my article here on Loving The Self. We are kindred spirits, in this journey home to love. Thank you for your commitment to sharing the powerful truth of love with the world. Learning to love the self is the key to experiencing heaven on earth! ~ Melana

  2. I am but yet a toddler in this new life. I am learning as I go. Thank you for sharing your story here Melana. I have learned that I am only as good as my word, and as you have found that when I change what I say, life happens a new way.


Your questions and comments are welcomed. In fact, they are encouraged. Connecting with people in a very real way on this blog is why I started this blog in the first place. Having you ask a question or leave a comment always makes my day. :) - Frederick Zappone